Welcome to my blog, I'm a student at Kaniere School on the West Coast in New Zealand.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Summer Learning Journey
This is the start of my Summer Learning Journey. We filled in a form when we where doing cybersmart today with Mrs Minehan. We started with choosing an art picture that we got off the Summer Learning Journey site.We made it by clicking on the colour we wanted it, then we clicked where we wanted the colour to go. The colour would go there automatically. I was experimenting with the colours. I like experimenting with the colours. Have you done the Summer Learning Journey? It is a lot of fun.
Friday, 30 October 2020
Paper Helicopter
Today We made a paper helicopter for reading because it was about a boy who made his dead cat into a helicopter. Lucy, Renny, Sofia and I were doing a race. We all tide.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Today we had Mr Kinane came in to do some tecnolnogey he let us use his micro bits. We went on micrasoft and made a code to the downlode on the computer then what you made will show up on the micro bits.Then once yours worked we let our partner have a go. My partner was Leon he made a dinosor.
Thursday, 24 September 2020
Today we had Sarah she helped us plant some Kōwhai and Manuka. We were in groups in my group was Renny,Sofia,Jasper,Ben and Louis. The Manuka is like a tiny leaves there was hundreds. The Kōwhai was a big seed. Manuka honey can heal cuts and the cuts heal quickly. Have you planted some Manuka or Kōwhai before?
Monday, 14 September 2020
This week the year 5 and 6's went on camp. My favourite part was the rock climbing the most tricky part was the team building. We went to Woodend for a week. We had the big day out Thursday we went to the air force museum and Orana Park. this photow was taken in the air force museum we were pretending we were in a life boat. The ling was at Orana Park they were feeding them and we got to wached them feed them.
Friday, 4 September 2020
Today we had to make a collage. I made it by going into my drive and making a google drawing then I named it and and got up explore and then I found the thing I wanted then I cropped the picture then I put it in the right place and that is haw I made it. Have you made a collage before?
Thursday, 3 September 2020
Barrier Game
Today we had to Mrs Minehan for cyber smart. We had to have a partner and we had to tell each other where to put the shapes in place. The name of the game is the barrier game. My partner was Xanthe and we didn't get any right. Our cyber smart teacher was Mrs Minehan. Do you do cyber smart?
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
El Gregoe
Today we had El Gregoe come and do some magic. He taught us about the school values. We saw his birds and his rabbit.
Friday, 28 August 2020
Yesterday we did some gardening me Xanthe and Lucy had to do the porpagation tunnel. First we had to pull all the weeds out of the plants pots then we had to put the plants that are the same together.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Animation with Zoe
Today we where in Ruma Kotuku. We had to make a animation with one of the little kids in Kotutu. My partner was Zoe. We had to put them on or in a bubble. Zoe wanted to sit on the bubble and she wanted a grass land and a fox .
Friday, 21 August 2020
Egg Speriment
This is the egg speriment. We put the eggs in some vinegar. We put one in malt and one white vinegar. And left them in the vinegar for six days. After six days we took them out of the vinegar for a day. Have you done the egg speriment before? It was a class challenge set by Mrs King our principal we had to make it bounce. The egg popped at 60 centimetres.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Crawl Fish Creek
This is me and Oscar when we went to Grandma and Jims farm. We tested the creek. The name of the creek is Crawl Fish Creek. Me and Oscar are looking at a bug we found in the creek. We to do lots of things the test the water. It was fun the do all the activities.
Friday, 3 July 2020
Sodium Polyacrylate
Today we bone some science Mis Hickford gave us a cup of Sodium Polyacrylate. We did not no what it was then she said to put spoon of worter in and keep doing. It then we put 25 cups of worter in she said to stop and she put some sot in and it tornt into worter. We got told they put it in baby nappies to soak up the way that is why you see big nappies.
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Today we had Mrs Swinburn she had to do a DFI course. She had to do 9 different things then when she was finished the exam she showed us how to do one of the things that she did in the course. That thing that she did was Scratch. If you click on the link it will show you what I have done. Have you ever used scratch before?
Today we had Mrs Swinburn she had to do a DFI course. She had to do 9 different things then when she was finished the exam she showed us how to do one of the things that she did in the course. That thing that she did was Scratch. If you click on the link it will show you what I have done. Have you ever used scratch before?
Wednesday, 24 June 2020
Bio Cube
This is my Bio Cube we had to do it for reading. We had a planning sheet when the planning sheet was finished we had a link to a app and there was a sheet link this we had to put the things that we put on the planning sheet.
Tuesday, 23 June 2020
nature taco
This is our nature taco. At lunch we went up in the fort and we got some leaves. This is what we used some leaves,moss and sticks. We did not eat it. Have you made one be for.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
This is my Pepeha It is like a mihi but small. We had to rite what our name is where we are currently from and where we are from then we put photos in. We did it so if we meat someone you can tell them a little bit about your self.
Monday, 8 June 2020
This is my camera I made it on flash. Flash is what you can draw any thing, I drew a camera. I put a image of the flash logo on the screen.We did it in Cybersmart with Mrs Minehan. I didin't know how to use it but I fiddled around then it came out with a camera. Have you been on flash before?
Thursday, 4 June 2020
St Johns
Today we had St Johns She showed us haw to show us haw to bandage people when there is something in their body. You need to put the pressure pad around what is in you body then bandage it. Have you had St Johns Before?
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
Waka Art
This is my waka art we needed to colour it in then we put water on it we are going to put our mihi in the box. The how class is making one and we are going to put them together. have you made a waka before?
Friday, 29 May 2020
This is my animation we made it on a google slide and put a backgrand in then we put a bug or a germ on the backgrand and did it a few times but move the bug or the germ across the screen.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Soft Toys
This week we can bring a toy to school I brung Rarar. I have had him since I was a baby. He has a puppet in his head. We are going to have a picnic with them on Friday the hole school will share their food with their toy.
Friday, 22 May 2020
The Birds nest
Today me and Lucy made a birds nest. We made it out of mud and sand we put it on a rock and we cooded get it of we kept on trying to get it of but it craked. We put leves on the inside and sticks then we put flawer in the mud.
Wednesday, 20 May 2020
Exploring the cemetery during lockdown
In lock down my teacher told me to go looking for Charles Douglas' grave, so I went to look for it. Ten minutes later I find him it did not take me long because I was at mums and she lives next to the cemetery. It was easy to find. My writing group is named after him. He was a explored the West Coast.
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
What I found
Today I was in the cemetery with Mum and my brother Caden. We found heaps of cool things. We mostly found toadstools under the trees and bushes. My favourite picture is the one of the red flower because it is so pretty and I like how the background is sort of blurred out. I was trying to find a blue toadstool but I found all these cool things instead. What is your favourite picture?
Saturday, 18 April 2020
A different kind of fishing
This is me playing with the fishing rods. We had bolts tied to the end of the line. We were casting into Ava's paddock and she was running after it.
Friday, 10 April 2020
marble boat
These are some pictures of my boat. It held 26 marbles and was still floating. It started to sink at 27 marbles. We watched a video and copied how to make it. Have you made one before?
Thursday, 2 April 2020
Onesie day
This is me in my onesie. We had onesie day at home this year because of corona virus. We have onesie day once a year.
Friday, 6 March 2020
This is my tessellation art. We had to cut a square piece of paper from the corners. Then we moved the shapes to the other side with out turning them. Then we traced the shape.
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
Swimming Sports
This is us at swimming sports. I am the one in the circle. We went on Wednesday 4th March 2020. I did a length freestyle and a length backstroke. We don't know our results yet and I am excited to find out.
Monday, 2 March 2020
Cromebook Case
This is my chromebook case. It is hard on the outside and soft on the inside. We use them to take our chromebooks home in and it keepss it safe. We get them at year 3.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Propagation Tunnel
This is coprosma plant that we have in our propagation tunnel. We have got 5 in our propagation tunnel.
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