This term we have been doing a production. The name of the production is Snow White and the Waru and a Half Matific Monsters. There are Monsters, Snow White, a Prince, Guards, Trees, a Rock, Narrators, a Frog, a Horse, a Fairy, a Mirror, Mr Cowell, The Kind Queen, The Wicked Queen, Huntsmen, and a Bird. We were going to do it on the stage but because of Covid, we have had to film it. There are 4 scenes in the show. I am riding my horse in one scene. I was the horse but the teachers thought that I caught ride my horse in if I was fine with it. Every class has a dance, our class dance is to the song Am I Wrong . I am also in the dance group, the song for that is Ugly Heart. Have you done a show before and if you have what was the name of? We do it to learn how to work in a group and to learn how to memorize lines.